The COVID crisis can be a catalyst for innovation. Is it time to pivot?
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The pandemic has everyone evaluating what efforts are necessary to keep their business moving forward. But don’t do this on the fly. Pivoting your business for the new normal might include changes to your business model, which means a lot of strategic thought, effort and time to get your ducks in a row. Some things to consider:
➡️ Does your logo and brand still represent who you are now, and who you want to be five years from now?
➡️ Does your website look dated and does it perform well on mobile devices?
➡️ Are you receiving customer feedback that is different from what you expected?
➡️ Do you need to repurpose your product to enter a new market?
It may be time to take a proactive approach to pivoting your business. Carve out some time with a creative partner to discuss your challenges—and along with your budget, explore viable solutions and visualize a new system. Your partner will help you organize a roadmap to keep your business moving toward your goals, and design products to enhance your new model.
For many businesses, the Covid crisis has been a catalyst for innovation. We commend you for rethinking biases and established systems and taking the time to invest in an upgrade. And if you need a creative partner, we can help. Let’s chat.